Riu jumped for joy, running off to get all of her things together. She almost ran over a still half-asleep Hinamori.
"Hey Hina, bout what you did last night. Why did you do that? Seriously."
Huh? Because I wanted to see Nee-chan get happy! You have no woman in your layfe! *Yawn*"
Riu was waiting by the door for Val to talk to her. He walked over. "We're gonna miss you Riu."
Likewise Kazekage-sama." she said as she embraced him in a hug.
"You should wait by the gates for him. Good luck."
She picked up her things with the help of some fellow, soon to be ex co-workers and headed to the gates.
Val turned to Hina who was now dressed. "Alright, now what?"
Hina shrugged like a cute little angel.