Rules - InForum Chat
There are some rules about the usage of the OnPage Chat. They are the following:
1. Please treat all other online participants with respect and do not use the Chat to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse other users.
2. Impersonating an Admin, Moderator, or another user is forbidden.
3. Do not use the Chat services to spam others. Spam includes sending identical and irrelevant or unsolicited submissions to many different users, and includes misrepresenting the source of anything you post. Spamming and scrolling in chat are serious violations of online etiquette.
4. We do not allow behaviour or content related to illegal activities. You may not use the Chat to publish post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene, or other unlawful material or discussion. This includes, but is not limited to, child pornography, bestiality, incest, illegal drugs, software piracy, and harassment.
5. You may not use the Chat for the purpose of linking to external sites that violate this code of conduct.
6. Do not post or promote any materials that could harm or disrupt another user's computer or would allow others to inappropriately access software or web sites.
7. In addition to upholding this code of conduct, you are responsible for adhering to all local and national laws that pertain to your location.
8. You are responsible for any actions you may take based on advice or information you receive online. Use your own judgment when evaluating information provided through any communication service, and remember that the information provided could be from people at any age and experience level. The decision to conduct transactions is your own and you should perform your own research prior to making any decisions.
9. You are responsible and liable for all your activities while participating in the Community Chat. Remember, you are responsible for anything you say or post.
10. We caution you against giving out any personally identifiable information (such as social security number, credit card number, name, address, telephone number, driver's license number, password, etc.) online. This information can easily be used for illegal or harmful purposes.
Thanks for following this code of conduct and our Community Chat! We reserve the right to amend or change the code of conduct at any time and encourage you to periodically review these guidelines to ensure you are in compliance.
In case these rules are not followed, you will be banned from the chat log and even, if the case is serious, from the forum itself without previous warning.
Note: This set of rules was directly taken by Naruto's Way of the Ninja,do not give us the credit